Thursday, May 9, 2013

Some Interesting Facts of Hitler

Here are some interesting facts about Adolf Hitler:

  • Despite becoming the dictator of Germany, Hitler was not born there. Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria on April 20, 1889.
  • Hitler only had one surviving sibling.
  • Although he had four other siblings.
  • in 1908 Hitler's mother died of breast cancer.
  • After his mother's death he lived on the streets of Vienna selling post cards of his art work.
  • Hitler started off by avoiding the military then ended up joining the German army.
  • Hitler endured and survived four years of World War I. During this time, he was awarded two Iron Crosses for bravery.
  • Hitler only had two major injuries when he was in the army, he was wounded once when hit by a grenade splinter then went temporarily blind when recovering from a gas attack.
  • Hitler became the leader of the German Worker's Party.
  • When Hitler rose to power as dictator they attacked Poland and thus was the start of World War II 
    Adolf Hitler as Dictator of Germany

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